Strict Standards: Declaration of user::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/user.php on line 14

Strict Standards: Declaration of author::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/author.php on line 14

Strict Standards: Declaration of page::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/page.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of article::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/article.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of download::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/download.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of game::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/game.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of news::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/news.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of album::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/album.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of url::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/url.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of admin::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/admin.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of photo::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/photo.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of teacher::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/teacher.php on line 0

Strict Standards: Declaration of book::delete() should be compatible with Doctrine_Record::delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL) in /libraries/book.php on line 0
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